Delivery Information
We aim to deliver your systems as quickly as possible, our plotting systems do work flat out in creating your XCH plots, when placing an order we will be in contact with you regarding delivery. To give you an idea of timescales.
XCH Ready Nodes and DAS
8x20TB Disk XCH Ready Node pre-plotting time is usually 24 hours
60x20TB Disk XCH Direct Attached Storage pre-plotting time is usually around 8 days
78x20TB Disk XCH Direct Attached Storage pre-plotting time is usually around 10 days
108x20TB Disk XCH Direct Attached Storage pre-plotting time is usually around 14 days
XCH Ready Disks
1-10 disks - Two working days
10-24 disks - Four working days
25-60 disks - Eight working
61 - 78 disks - Ten working days
78 - TBA
Pre-Plotting is a very intense task, a usual consumer platform will create a plot in around 53 minutes, a server architecture can be as low as 7 minutes per plot, our pre-plotting systems can generate plots in around 1 minute, the task is then to copy the plot onto the hard disk itself, which a single 18TB disk will take around 19 hours to fully copy 164 plots, our pre-plotting systems are designed to move plots to multiple disks at the same time to minimise the overall copy process time.